The Pacific Crabapple is a small tree native to western North America. It grows fairly slowly, reaching 30 feet tall and sometimes more. It can provide appeal year round with its structure and fruits. It produces a large amount of small apple that are good for supporting wildlife. The apples are edible for humans as well but they are quite tart and don't have a great taste.
Pacific Crabapple
Pacific Crabapple - Malus fusca
Size: Slowly grows to 30-35' tall
Growing Conditions: Sun or partial shade, prefers moist soils
Features: Attractive and fragrent blossoms in spring, flowers are white to pink, fruits are small and yellow, orange, or redish-purple, fall leaf color, good wildlife habitat and food.
Natural Habitat: grows in dry to moist soils, often found near streams or on the edge of wetlands.
Companion Plants: Dogwoods, Red Flowering Currant, Black Gooseberry